• Lexicon
  • Poker Glossary

Poker Glossary

More than 162 Poker terms & expressions

If you are new to the world of online Poker, the wealth of Poker related terminology might be a bit overwhelming at first. For that reason we have compiled this glossary. This list is not exhaustive, but we aim to provide you with a comprehensive reference that explains interesting and colorful internet terminology you are likely to encounter in the online casino world. Although it's not essential for you to be familiar with all these terms in order to play the game, they're still good to know.

  • Undepair
    A pocket pair of lower value than the lowest card on the board.
  • Under the Gun
    The position to the left of the big blind which acts first before board cards are dealt.
  • Upcards
    Cards that are dealt faceup for opponents to see in stud games.