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  • Poker Glossary

Poker Glossary

More than 162 Poker terms & expressions

If you are new to the world of online Poker, the wealth of Poker related terminology might be a bit overwhelming at first. For that reason we have compiled this glossary. This list is not exhaustive, but we aim to provide you with a comprehensive reference that explains interesting and colorful internet terminology you are likely to encounter in the online casino world. Although it's not essential for you to be familiar with all these terms in order to play the game, they're still good to know.

  • Kansas City Lowball
    A form of draw poker low also known as deuce-to-seven, in which the best hand is 7-5-4-3-2 and straights and flushes count against you.
  • Kicker
    The remaining undeclared cards in a five-card online Poker hand used to determine the better of two near-equivalent hands. For instance, suppose you have an "Ace", "King" and your opponent has an "Ace", "Queen". If the flop has an "Ace" in it, you both have a pair of "Aces", but you have a "King" kicker. Kickers can be vitally important to determine the winner in hold'em.
  • Kill Button
    A button used in a lowball game to indicate a player who has won two pots in a row and is required to kill the pot.
  • Kill Game
    A game where certain requisites create higher stakes and/or create a third blind.
  • Kill Pot
    A method to stimulate action. In Texas Hold'em, it is a forced bet by someone who has just won two consecutive pots or won an entire pot of sufficient size in a high-low split game (some pots can be voluntarily killed). The pot then becomes a kill pot, which means that both blinds are doubled. This will stimulate a lot more action at the table.
  • Kill, Kill Blind
    An oversize blindA required bet made before any cards are dealt., usually twice the size of the big blindThe largest regular blind in a game. and doubling the limit. Sometimes a half-kill increasing the blind and limits by fifty percent is used. A kill can be either voluntary or mandatory. The most common requirements of a mandatory kill are for winning two pots in a row at lowball A draw game where the lowest hand wins. and other games, or for scooping a pot in high-low split.